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Dynamarine Opens New Facility in North Topeka, Kansas

Posted by Wild Florida on November 29,2013 06:15:AM

Dynamarine, a well-known airboat manufacturer, is leasing a new production facility in North Topeka. This announcement comes less than a year after Meridian began airboat production. Dynamarine, a division of Ernest-Spencer, announced the plan at the Topeka Independent Business Association luncheon on November 12, 2013.

The purpose of the new Dynamarine location is to do final assembly and testing on the airboats, says Neal Spencer, president of Ernest-Spencer. The Dynamarine airboat was introduced in March. The facility is anticipated to open in early January.

According to Spencer, the company has altered and made minor changes to the design in the past few months in order to make the airboats more stable. The purpose of these particular airboats is for a family airboat ride, as opposed to a fishing endeavor. Dynamarine has also set the record for the fastest airboat, reaching 101.6 mph in a test run.
Wild Florida has a passion of airboats and Florida wildlife, and we will continue to provide resources to Wild Florida fans who enjoy reading about and experiencing these topics. If you want to book a Florida air boat ride, contact Wild Florida today via phone or online.