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Get Ready for Fauna Face-Off Fridays!

Posted by Wild Florida on October 17,2014 11:40:AM


Fauna Face-Off Bracket--Round 1 Imageless.001

Ladies and gentlemen, boys and girls, get ready for the event you’ve all been waiting for from your friends at Wild Florida: introducing Fauna Face-Off Fridays! We’ve gathered a group of the top predators of the Everglades, and they’re ready for a showdown. Each Friday, we’ll compare their body stats, weapons, behavior, and more to determine the ultimate predator of the Everglades. It’ll be a fight to the finish that you simply don’t want to miss!

On the starting roster, we have a wide variety of known heavyweight champions and fresh contenders ready to take on the top dogs, including alligators, crocodiles, Nile monitors, fire ants, bull sharks, panthers, black bears, and pythons. Every week, we’ll introduce you to the upcoming challengers and prepare the ring for a battle royale. We hope to see a lot of surprise victories and major upsets as we give you some insight to the wild and amazing creatures of the Everglades.

We’ll need your help to make Fauna Face-Off Fridays a success! Every week, let us know your opinions about the upcoming matches, and tell us who you think will come out on top. While the alligator may be the current undisputed King of the Swamp, you never know who might pack a one-two punch and send him packing. Stay up to date on the progress with the provided bracket, and invite your friends to join in!

Stay up to date on the latest news about Everglades wildlife and conservation efforts by following Wild Florida on Facebook and Twitter. To book your own Everglades airboat tour and eco park adventure, call us at (866) 532-7167 today.