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Contender Profile: “Bulls-Eye” the Bull Shark

Posted by Wild Florida on November 5,2014 11:36:AM

He’s lean, he’s mean, and he’s ready to set the scene for the next Fauna Face-Off Friday. Fighting in the red corner, measuring 8 feet long and weighing in at nearly 300 lbs, it’s “Bulls-Eye” the bull shark! This solitary stalker has been terrorizing water and land dwellers alike from the murky shallow waters of the Everglades, and now, he’s ready to show the world who the real apex predator of the Everglades is. Let’s get an insider look at our contender from your trusted Orlando eco tour experts who are live on the scene.

The bull shark is aptly named for his broad, stocky head and short temper--as they say, when you mess with a bull shark, you get the teeth. Unlike many other species of shark, the bull shark is unique in its ability to move from saltwater to freshwater locations, making the brackish Everglades Inlet the perfect place for him to call home. To aid in the transition, Bulls-Eye comes equipped with a series of special organs that help him maintain a healthy balance of water and salinity, including the rectal gland, kidneys, gills, and liver. Bulls-Eye uses these special tools to his advantage when hunting his next meal, known to often snag fish right out of fishermen’s hands.

When he’s not scavenging snacks from unsuspecting humans, Bulls-Eye brings his signature “bump and bite” tactic on a wide variety of prey, including fish, turtles, birds, terrestrial mammals, crustaceans, stingrays, and even other bull sharks. In this move, Bulls-Eye swiftly attacks from murky waters, nudging and chomping on a hapless victim until it is too stunned and exhausted to escape his clutches. His keen sense of smell allows him to wait patiently in those dark, cloudy places in the Everglades and ambush whatever foolish creature decides to test its fate.

As he trains up for his match against ‘Merica the Killer Croc, Bulls-Eye has been amping up his trademark aggression and notably sporadic behavior. Through taunts and jibes, he has made it quite clear that he is ready to strike at a moment’s notice, appearing out of thin air--or, rather, thick, nebulous water--to take his challenger down. Bulls-Eye is prepared to charge ahead to claim his position at the top of the Everglades food chain.

This Friday is a Fauna Face-Off you won’t want to miss, as two known heavyweight champions fight to the finish. To learn more about the animals of the Everglades, or to book your Orlando eco tour, give us a call at (866) 532-7167 today. We’ll see you on Friday!