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Contender Profile: Goldilocks’ Worst Nightmare

Our next Fauna Face-Off contender comes sauntering into the blue corner after rummaging through your garbage can--he’s the strong silent type, the black bruiser--it’s Goldilocks’ Worst Nightmare, the black bear. Take a walk in the Florida wild and you may feel like you’re being watched. Often gazing but never seen, the black bear is the largest land mammal roaming the Florida wilderness.

This heavy hitter weighs up to 450 lbs and stands up to 6 feet tall. Don’t call Goldilocks’ Worst Nightmare a cute and cuddly teddy bear, though! His repertoire of weapons include a powerful right and left hook, sharp claws, 700lbs of bite force, an amazing sense of smell that allows him to sniff things out up to a mile away, and startling speed--capable of reaching up to 35 miles per hour. This contender's special move is the Climbing K.O., in which Goldilocks’ Worst Nightmare climbs the nearest tree, leaps atop his opponent and knocks them out with a single blow.

Black bears are omnivores who mostly eat vegetation, fruit, and berries, as well as insects, eggs, fish, some small mammals, and, if the opportunity presents itself, they’ll hunt deer calves. Don’t discount this contender because of his diet, however; remember how Popeye received an instant burst of energy and strength when he feasted on a can of spinach? Goldilocks’ Worst Nightmare is always on his A-game due to his heavy consumption of vegetables--insert healthy lifestyle PSA here.

Goldilocks’ Worst Nightmare is a strong competitor who uses his weapons to defeat those who come too close. All Fauna Face-Off Friday attendees are cautioned to avoid making direct eye contact with this contender--he sees it as a challenge and a threat and will charge before you can bat an eyelash.

Tune in this Friday to see when happens when this powerhouse goes face to face with the Florida poster child: Gallant Panther, the Florida Advancer. If you’re looking to get up close and personal with some the World’s most incredible animal species, visit Wild Florida today.

How do you think Goldilocks’ Worst Nightmare will hold up against the Florida panther in this week’s Fauna Face-Off Friday? Share your comments and suggestions with us.