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How the Wildlife in Florida Adapts to Human Population

Posted by Wild Florida on February 27,2015 05:16:AM

Animals are smarter than we think and it’s interesting to note how quickly they can adapt to humans interfering with their environment. In the State of Florida, many types of animals have been observed forming new habits and routines thanks to human intervention; we have seen it on our airboat rides!. These animals adopt these habits relatively quickly. Here are just a few unique ways wildlife in Florida have adapted to changes in their environment:

Manatees Settle in Power Plant Pipes

Manatees tend to flock to Florida during the winter to stay warm but have managed to also find refuge inside the pipes of coastal power plants. The steam-generation units draw in water that gets funneled back to waterways. The water coming out of these pipes is nice and warm for relaxing in, making it an ideal spot for manatees seeking a soothing place to rest.

Florida Wildlife and Climate Change

Whether climate change is caused by human activities or Mother Nature, animals throughout Florida are able to adapt to cooler temperatures. FloridaToday.com reports on how native amphibians tend to bury themselves into the earth or go underwater when temperatures drop below average win Florida. Frogs in particular are especially sensitive to the cold and some amphibians have an anti-freeze in their blood that prevents them from freezing to death when temperatures drop below 32 degrees. Since some aren’t equipped to deal with cold temperatures, they do end up freezing to death once exposed to the cold.

Changes in climate and natural habitats throughout the State of Florida have prompted many native animals to adopt new behaviors in order to survive. Migration to Florida is commonplace for many species along the East Coast and northern states, but it is interesting to see how certain animals adapt to human interference. As climate change continues to be a problem, we may see even more unique behaviors and adaptation methods among native species.

For more information on Florida’s wildlife and how they adapt to the ever changing, Wild Florida welcomes you to speak to our animal experts. Our airboat ride can also take you “behind the scenes” of Florida so you can see first hand how the animals of this state live.