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Thrilling Animal Encounter: What To Expect During Your Alligator Feeding

From news stories about alligators popping up in storm drains to tales of them lounging on golf courses, we've all heard about these fascinating reptiles appearing in the most unexpected places. But have you ever considered getting up close and personal with an alligator in a fun and safe setting? Well, now's your chance!


At Wild Florida, we're turning the dial up on adventure by inviting you to join in an alligators’ favorite activity: feeding time! Our Gator Feeding Encounter puts you right in the heart of the action (at a safe distance, of course). So, what makes this feeding frenzy so unforgettable? Here are some exciting things to look forward to during your alligator feeding adventure!

Watch Our Alligators Jump

During your gator feeding encounter, you'll have the thrilling opportunity to feed some of the alligators in our Gator Pond. From your safe perch in the crow's nest, we'll attach their favorite snacks to the end of a long wooden pole.  Then, it's your turn to serve these toothy diners as you offer your treat.

But the real excitement begins when these incredible creatures start to leap! Our alligators use their powerful tails to propel themselves up and out of the water, snapping up the tasty snacks right before your eyes. Watching these mighty animals jump is a jaw-dropping spectacle you won't want to miss.

Learn About Alligator Behavior

Ever wondered what an alligator’s diet looks like or how they communicate in the murky waters? Curious about their role in the ecosystem or how they are related to dinosaurs? We've got you covered! 

Our Croc Squad, expert animal trainers, are eager to answer any questions about the mighty Florida alligator and all our resident animals. Our Gator Feeding Encounter is the perfect time to tap into their wealth of knowledge. There's so much to learn, and our trainers are your best resource—you'll leave feeling like an alligator expert yourself!

Hear an Alligator Hiss

While alligators don't have vocal cords, that doesn't mean they're silent creatures. As you're feeding our alligators, you'll notice that more than one might try to go after the piece of meat you're offering. They might let out a long, shallow hiss in a show of dominance to tell other gators to "back off" from their potential snack.

Most people say it sounds like something they've heard from Jurassic Park, but you'll have to hear it yourself to see if they're right! Hearing this eerie hiss up close adds an unforgettable thrill to your adventure, making you feel like you've stepped right into the natural world.


After the theme parks and beaches, come feed alligators at Wild Florida for one of the most unique Florida experiences. Our Gator Feeding Encounter is for adventure seekers aged 12 and up and includes free access to our Gator Park. So why not spend a few hours exploring over 200 native and exotic animals that call our Gator Park home? There’s so much more to discover around every corner at Wild Florida.

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