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The Amphibious Nature of the Everglades

Posted by Wild Florida on December 9,2014 06:37:AM

Amphibians are amazing and unusual creatures. They go through an incredible metamorphosis as they age and their environmental versatility makes them extremely adaptable. Keep an eye out during your next Orlando airboat ride. These amazing animals aren’t as sought out or easy to spot as an alligator, but they definitely deserve a passing glance.

Often confused with reptiles, amphibians live on every continent except Antarctica. These creatures are cold blooded, meaning they require environmental elements to regulate their body temperature. Their reptilian cousins are also cold blooded, but where these two creatures really differ is in their skin. Reptiles are covered from head to toe (unless you’re a snake) in scales. Amphibians have smooth, moist skin. While this skin is a blessing in some ways, it is susceptible to drying out. To make sure their skin doesn’t dry out, amphibians stick to moist, humid, and wet environments. They can even secrete mucus through their skin to keep it moist. While these little facts may be cool, the coolest part of an amphibian, is its ability to breathe through its skin as well as its lungs.

Earlier in this post, we touched on the fact that amphibians go through a metamorphosis of sorts. Every amphibian begins its journey through life in an egg. These eggs have no protective shell; therefore, they are laid in water. Once the egg hatches, the amphibian navigates the shallow Everglades waterways as a tadpole. As they mature, they leave the water and begin their life on land.

There are a variety of amphibious creatures dwelling in the Everglades. They range from tree frogs, to toads, and salamanders. When you’re cruising through the Everglades on your next Orlando airboat ride, don’t neglect the little guys. Amphibians are just as exciting as the reptiles, birds, and mammals currently roaming the Everglades.

To learn more about the amphibians that dwell in the Everglades, or to take an Orlando airboat ride, visit Wild Florida today.

What’s your favorite amphibian? Try to find one in your backyard and take a picture of it. Share your pictures with us!