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Mystery Surrounds the Death of Alligators in the Everglades

Posted by Wild Florida on December 9,2014 05:38:AM

The Florida Everglades have always been home to alligators. It has been their habitat where they have lived and thrived, but now, wildlife ecologists and other scientists are saying that the population of alligators is growing smaller. In addition to the mysterious shrinking population, the gators they are finding in their study are smaller, weighing about 20% less than an alligator their size should typically weigh.

Frank Mazzotti, a wildlife ecologist with the University of Florida, has been studying the alligators of the Everglades through tracking and tagging for over 15 years, and he says the population of alligators is less than half of what you would expect in a healthy habitat. "They're skinnier, they're fewer, they grow slower," Mazzotti said. "Most other places, if an alligator is 10 years old it's easily 6 feet long--not so in the Everglades. At 10 years [old], it's only 4 or 5 feet."

A team of scientists headed by Mazzotti from the University of Florida is now investigating this particular mystery and what could be behind the change that is occurring. A federal government spokesperson, who is also researching the alligator mystery, says she is concerned with the declining health of the alligators. "When they are not doing well, something has gone wrong with the ecosystem." Estenoz said. "They are the canary in the coal mine."

Wild Florida cares deeply for the ecological health the Everglades and other surrounding natural areas in Florida. We provide Orlando airboat rides through the headwaters of the Everglades, in which you can experience alligators firsthand. If wildlife is of particular interest to you, we also have a wildlife park on site so you can experience several different animals as well. Purchase tickets to come by and experience natural Florida in all of its glory.