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Tis the Season for Bird Migrations

Florida Airboat Rides

Bird migrations are an interesting and unique time for birds and a great time for bird watchers to put their bird finding to the test. Local bird watching sites can be a haven for identifying new species, but sometimes being at the right place at the right time can have you experiencing a bird migration that is both spectacular and exclusive. Florida airboat rides are a unique way for you to indulge in your bird watching needs, and if you’re lucky you might just spot some migrating birds around the swamp!

With the arrival of fall and colder weather, food and water supplies are disappearing and shelter is more scarce for birds and their fledglings. Migration to warmer climates help birds survive winter and migratory birds rely on several factors when moving south.

  • Birds generally migrate when the weather conditions are ideal. If the winds aren’t just right, it can be difficult for birds to travel. When the winds are blowing in the optimal direction, birds will be more energy efficient.
  • Although migration tends to peak during the spring and fall, there are birds migrating throughout the year.
  • Many different species have different strategies of migrating. Some will travel at night, others during the day, and some even travel in one long non-stop flight
  • It’s often questioned how birds migrate from one location to another. Some have a built in magnetic sensor that helps them sense the Earth’s magnetic field, almost like a compass. Others may use the site of landscapes or star observation and the sun for navigation.
  • The longest migration of any bird is about 20,000 miles round-trip by the arctic tern, to and from the Arctic and Antarctic.
  • Several types of birds make their way to Florida, including species of sparrows, warblers and waterthrush.
  • Raptors, or birds of prey, are one of the most watched migrations. Peregrine falcons and American kestrels are among some of the raptors you may see in larger numbers.
  • Migratory birds tend to store fat before the trip to give them the energy to keep moving when they don’t eat for days at a time.

With the start of Fall, you and your family could catch a glimpse of some of the migratory birds that are finding their way to safer and more food abundant environments. At Wild Florida, we offer Florida airboat rides that let you experience the unique wildlife of Florida and perhaps the migration of of many birds! Call us today at 407-901-2563 to schedule an Florida airboat ride!