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6 reasons why we're not banning Selfie Sticks at Wild Florida

Posted by Sam Haught on July 1,2015 02:41:PM
selfie stick ban
You won’t be able to take your selfie stick to Mickey Mouse’s house, but our animals are just wild about being in the background of your photos.

Walt Disney World joined a growing list of attractions that have banned selfie sticks in Orlando (the list also includes many art galleries and sporting events). So far, Universal Studios Orlando bans use of the devices only on its rides.

While some are cheering this ban on selfie sticks, we want you to know why we welcome them at Wild Florida.
what is a selfie stick
Whatever your opinion on this equally hated and loved device, we want to allow them in our Wildlife Park so that our guests are able to take some of their experience with them when they leave.

(Have no idea what we're talking about? Here is what you need to know about them.)

Selfie sticks have already been identified as the most hated device of 2015, yet they're still selling out in some stores. Given the great divide over these smart phone accessories, we thought you might like to know 6 reasons why we are not banning selfie sticks at Wild Florida.
  • Being there – Usually the photographer in the group is not seen in any photos. These devices allow everyone to join in the fun and become part of the memory.

  • Safety first – Many attractions are citing safety as their primary reason for selfie stick bans. At Disney's parks, the improper use of selfie sticks is shutting down rollercoasters. But we know that our airboat and ranch buggy rides won't be affected by the use of selfie sticks, so we just ask that you be aware of other guests while snapping your selfies!

  • slothie

    You’re a pro – You know how to use your selfie stick. (If you don’t own one yet, here is a guide to getting started.)

  • A natural experience – Our thrills come naturally. When you take a ride on one of our airboats, you never know what you are going to see. The same thing can be said about our Wildlife Park. Sometimes our animals are lively, sometimes they are not. The joy of any natural experience is one that is spontaneous and unscripted. We want to empower you to capture good snaps when the opportunity is right!

  • You mind your manners – We know you won’t step on someone’s foot when taking your photo. You know about selfie stick etiquette!

  • Change is good – When you journey out to the Middle of Nowhere, you are going to have an adventure unlike other attractions in Orlando. We like to talk about what we don’t have – long lines, an endless sea of humanity, and miles of pavement that reflects the Florida sun. We want you be able to capture that experience and share it with others!

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