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Diary of an Airboater: The Everglades National Park

Florida Airboat Rides

The Everglades National park is the 3rd largest park in the lower 48 states, protecting over 1.5 million acres of swamps and wetlands. Taking Florida airboat rides through this unique ecosystem is one of the highlights of diving right into the wilderness of Florida. What is so unique about this precious eco system that intrigues Florida visitors and residents alike?

  • The Everglades is home to over 36 federally protected species including the Florida Panther and the Southern Bald Eagle.
  • There are only about 50 Florida Panthers alive in the wild.
  • There are over 1,000 plant species that live here in the Everglades.
  • Invasive plants are actively removed from the Everglades to protect native species and habitat. Invasive plants are the second greatest threat to native plants next to habitat destruction.
  • The Everglades serves as a natural filter for Southern Florida and functions as a flood control system that acts like a sponge during periods of heavy rain.
  • Often referred to as a swamp, the Everglades is in fact a very slow moving river.
  • One out of three Florida residents relies on water provided by the Everglades.
  • Restoration efforts are in place to protect and restore this natural habitat. The Everglades is currently one half of its original size.
  • Mangroves line South Florida coastlines, serving as a defense against erosion and flooding.
  • The Everglades is the only place in the world where American alligators and American crocodiles both live together in the wild.

Florida airboat rides take you through this unique and significantly important ecosystem by providing you with an insight to how this ecosystem affects our habitat and community. Its biological infrastructure supports a large part of Florida and remains one of the most precious ecosystems in the world. At Wild Florida, you can experience the wildlife and environment that construct the Everglades. Our Florida airboat rides will take you to prime wildlife viewing spots while showing you the pristine swamps and wetlands of Wild Florida. Call us today at 407-901-2563 to book a tour.